Marriage Licenses
To be married in California you must obtain a marriage license prior to the marriage ceremony
To Get a License
• Parties (both over 18 years of age) must appear in person in our office at 900 Coombs Street, Room 116 Napa CA 94559.
• Parties must provide all the information requested on the Marriage License Application including parents' full names and places of birth.
• If either party was married previously, the way the marriage ended (divorce, annulment, death, termination of state registered domestic partnership) and the date the marriage ended are required.
A public license can be obtained from any of California's 58 county clerks and once issued is valid for 90 days. The ceremony can be performed anywhere in the State of California. If either party is under the age of eighteen, a license cannot be issued without a court order. The Name Equality Act of 2007 went into effect on 01/01/2009 and allows either or both parties to choose the name that each party will go by after the marriage.
Fee & Payment
A public marriage license is $83.00 and a certified copy is $15.00. You can pay by check drawn on a California bank, cash, money order, travelers' check, and all major debit/credit cards. An additional $2.50 processing fee is charged by our vendor if a debit/credit card is used for payment.
The Napa County Clerk's office issues marriage licenses 8:00am – 4:15pm, Monday – Friday, excluding legal holidays. No appointment is needed to purchase a marriage license.
For more information about guidelines to getting married in the Napa Valley please visit: www.countyofnapa.org.