Do you find yourself spending way too much time chasing down customer contact information and fumbling through your sales pipeline? As a small business owner, you don’t have time for that.

A cloud-based CRM with quoting software can help streamline your sales management system to make more sales in less time. It’s an all-in-one solution, combining contact management, sales pipeline management, and a quoting tool to help optimize your sales processes.

Learn how to stop struggling with messy spreadsheets and manual processes, and take control of your sales with a CRM and quoting solution built for small businesses.

What is a CRM with quoting tools?

A good Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution acts as a centralized repository for all your customer data, information, and history. You’ll have a 360-degree view of your customer relationships and sales quotes in one place. No more hunting through emails or paperwork to find details on a customer or sales opportunity.

When you add online quoting software and a client portal, you can generate professional quotes quickly and allow customers to view, approve and pay for quotes on their own schedule. The software automates tasks like data entry, contact management, and quoting.

A CRM software helps streamline your entire sales process by integrating sales and customer information in one place. With a CRM, you have a complete view of your sales pipeline and contacts so you can focus on winning more deals.

How online quoting software helps you create professional quotes fast

With an online quoting tool, you can generate customized quotes for your clients in just a few minutes.

Automate the quoting process

A CRM with quoting automates your sales workflow. It gathers customer information and product details to instantly generate quotes. This allows you to spend less time on admin work and more time selling. You’ll close more deals faster without tedious manual entry.

Save time with quote templates

Most quoting software offer quote templates to get you started. You can build templates for your most common products and services. Then simply select a template, add customer details and any product customizations, and your quote is done.

Boost your reputation with accurate quotes

A good quoting tool integrates with your product catalog so you can add items directly to a quote with the correct pricing and details. It also automatically calculates totals, discounts, shipping, and taxes for you. This helps ensure each quote you send is correct and professional.

Make the most of every opportunity

A CRM with quoting software also lets you view your entire sales pipeline and manage opportunities to close more deals. You’ll gain insights into which quotes have been viewed, sent to customers, or are awaiting approval. Easily see which deals need follow up so you can take the right actions to push them forward.

How a CRM helps you optimize your sales pipeline

A CRM with quoting capabilities allows you to manage your sales pipeline to close more deals. Here are some of the main ways that a CRM contributes to streamlined sales processes and more sales..

Contact information is accessible in a single spot

An online contact management system captures details like names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers of your leads and clients, alongside records of contact details, email communications, meeting notes, quotes sent, deals won or lost, and more. All your customer data is stored in the cloud, so you can access it anytime from anywhere. You’ll never have to search through scattered emails or paperwork to find details on a customer or deal again.

Deals are trackable through the sales pipeline

See where each deal stands, from initial contact to final sale. You can log new leads as they come in, and move opportunities through each stage of your pipeline with easy drag-and-drop functionality. Add notes, schedule follow-ups, and get an at-a-glance view of potential revenue to identify any bottlenecks.

A client portal increases trust

Some CRMs offer a client portal where you can post quotes, contracts, invoices, and other documents for your customers to access. This allows for convenient self-service and gives your clients transparency into their accounts, increasing their trust in your business. At the same time, it reduces the time you’d have to spend fielding information requests and following up.

Why your small business needs a CRM with quoting software

Instead of juggling multiple tools and wasting time entering the same data over and over, you can streamline your sales process with an integrated CRM with quoting solutions. Here are the main benefits you’ll enjoy when you use an all-in-one CRM and quoting tool.

Save time creating quotes

Using an online quoting tool lets you quickly generate professional quotes, estimates, and proposals. It has ready-made templates so you can easily customize quotes for each client. The software will automatically calculate totals, taxes, and discounts to reduce errors. You’ll get quotes out faster, impressing your customers with your efficiency.

Bolster your professional reputation

A quoting tool built into your CRM allows you to save quote templates to reuse, and pull in details like products, services, pricing, and terms and conditions. Your prospects will appreciate receiving an official quote with your business branding on it. Sending professional quotes, especially for larger deals, builds credibility and moves leads further down your pipeline.

Close more deals

A cloud-based CRM gives you visibility into your sales pipeline and business performance,  so you can spot opportunities and close more deals. See which quotes are open or won, manage follow-ups, and get alerts if a quote is about to expire. Know which deals need attention so you can follow up at the right time. Easy to read reports provide the insights you need to make data-driven decisions that boost your sales and revenue.

Increase customer satisfaction

Client portal software gives your customers a personalized website to view quotes, invoices, and account details, which improves their customer experience. They can even accept or sign quotes electronically for a seamless experience. Strengthen your client relationships by giving them convenient 24/7 access to information.

Accelerate your sales cycle

By integrating quoting into your CRM, you speed up your sales cycle. Your sales team spends less time creating and sending quotes and more time selling. Customers get quotes faster, can accept them electronically and pay right away. You get paid quicker too. It’s a win-win.

Scale your business with ease

Cloud-based CRM software is flexible and scalable, so it grows with your business. You can start with basic contact management and quoting, and add more features as needed like email marketing, billing, and project management as you need them.

A CRM with quoting software helps small businesses punch above their weight

Implementing a customer relationship management and quoting solution is one of the smartest moves a small business owner can make. Using a CRM with quoting software helps small businesses save time, strengthen customer relationships, and boost sales. When you can focus less on paperwork and more on growing your business, that’s a win for you and your customers. An all-in-one solution like vcita provides the tools to manage your contacts, create quotes, and gain customer insights so you can achieve your business goals.