Diversifying payment collection brings mo' money, less problems.

Isn’t tech just great for business? We think so. Over the years, businesses of all sizes have had to adapt to the ever evolving digital world, especially in the way they accept payments. Just think about it, it all started with cash, then checks and credit cards and today, there’s a wide variety of ways in which businesses can accept payments from their clients.

However, as a small business owner, adapting rapidly to new technologies might be challenging, and we want to make it easier. That’s why we have good news: vcita’s PayPal integration now allows for small businesses to accept payments via Venmo.

By diversifying the methods of payment you accept, you are helping your business and your clients in more ways than one.

Increase your bottom line

Offering a wide range of payment options for your clients increases the chances you will be paid on time. This easy access is favored by most of your clients and will give them more opportunities to pay in a form they are comfortable with. Allowing your clients to pay through a variety of payment options such as Venmo, Square, PayPal, credit and debit cards, and others, will also increase the chances of your clients following through with payments. 

Think about it: if you offer their preferred payment method, which is usually linked to their online accounts and apps on their phone, the likelihood of payment coming in, and on time is much higher.

Expand your business

With an increase in technology comes endless possibilities for connectivity. Having the ability to accept payments from a variety of providers allows your small business to enter new markets, even global ones. Considering that each country has its own regulation, you’ll need to make sure you offer options that are viable, but once you are able to, you can tap into new markets and expand your business’ reach.

Show your clients that you know them

Understanding your clients’ needs is what will set your small business apart from the competition. Giving them options when it comes to payments makes them feel seen. The variety will likely pleasantly surprise them and make them want to come back for more business.

In addition, a variety of payment methods means you open your business up to all types of clients. Millennials, for example, love Venmo, and using an app like vcita to help you offer Venmo as an option will be a great way to minimize any doubts a prospective client might have.

Futureproof your business

Digital payments help futureproof your business

One of the major effects the pandemic has had on small businesses is the urgent need to quickly adapt the technology they use to run their business. When the pandemic hit, we saw businesses scrambling to COVID proof their operations and help their clients adopt new technologies. 

By adding new payment methods, you are bridging the digital gap and preparing your business for whatever might come. A pandemic can hit, but as we’ve seen, business must continue and going digital, especially with payments, is a surefire way to secure your business’ safety.

Diversify, diversify, diversify

It’s not only the motto for popular investors. Small businesses would be right to adapt to the digital age and begin accepting a variety of payment methods. This will ensure you get paid on time and in full, expand your business into new markets, retain customers by showing you know them and prepare for whatever might come in the future. Using a platform like vcita can help ensure you offer a variety of ways to accept payments, and provide your clients with an agile and flexible business.

Interested in starting a free trial? Or, if you’re already a vcita user, you can get started using digital payments. Either way, we’re here for you and ready to show you how vcita can turn the digital payments dream into a reality.