holistic hounds business management app user case

Holistic Hounds

With the help of vcita this holistic
canine care clinic is ahead of the pack.


Amber Calleran is an animal chiropractor and sports massage therapist, offering a range of canine and equine physical therapy services. She practiced for several years as a freelancer until she joined forces with her current business partners, dog trainers Nathan Ledbrook and Charlotte Groom. They shared the same vision: to create a company centered around holistic canine health and care. They identified a massive niche market for a company that provides multiple services under one roof: training, nutrition, therapy, and rehabilitation.
Holistic Hounds was born.

Holistic hounds about business profile

6 + helpers



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Veterinary, canine healthcare


Automation, payment & scheduling

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A legacy CRM platform could not support their fast-growing company

Most often Holistic Hounds accepted ad-hoc bookings and offered flexible payment options, but it was hard to keep track. This left the team constantly asking each other about missing invoices and overdue payments. Their platform was clunky to manage and visually difficult to decipher, so often, these questions went unanswered.
With so much miscommunication no-shows became a regular occurrence. In one week, they lost six sessions to no-shows, and Amber still had to pay the trainers. They lost time, money – and morale.

As the company began to grow exponentially, Calleran knew they needed a more advanced CRM system that included automatic bookings, and payment — a platform that could support all the nitty-gritty work of their unique business model. Otherwise, they were not going to be able to scale successfully.


All-inclusive & trackable solution to keep the business in check

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Online payments

Most of Holistic Hounds’ clients pay immediately when they book. If the client requests a payment plan, Amber can now accommodate them comfortably. She uses vcita to set automatic reminders regarding outstanding payments, which has been enormously helpful in their accounts receivable. Amber has also begun to provide more packages to maximize every client and to increase profitability.

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Automated booking and reminders

With automated booking options integrated into Holistic Hounds website, it’s very easy for clients to schedule appointments in their own time. They can see all their options in terms of packages, availability, and pricing. With all their questions answered clients have less need to contact the team directly.

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Client management (CRM)

With vcita, all client and staff communications are located on one platform. More and more clients use vcita to contact them, rather than using phone or email. They ask the team questions, refer friends, change bookings, notify them if they’re running late, all through the vcita platform. Everybody on the team receives notifications and can access the platform 24/7.


More profit, less admin

The support and guidance from vcita’s customer service team enabled Amber and her team to maximize all of the features of the platform, improving their business processes considerably. There are no more last-minute rescheduling and cancellation fees. And no more chasing clients.

With vcita‘s communication platform, the team cut their response time in half, building more trust with their clients as a result. Holistic Hounds has transformed from a vision to an efficient, thriving business.

“Since implementation, we have zero no-shows. vcita is worth its weight in gold not just because of our increased earnings and availability, but also because their customer service is superb.”

– Amber Calleran

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